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Exams Support

Exams Support Hub

Guidance and important resources for dated and on-demand examinations 

Here you’ll find all the essential information you will need at every stage of the exam and assessment cycle, from key dates and registering learners to conducting exams, returning papers and results support.

Key dates for assessments and dated exams

There are important dates that need to be included in exams planning when managing dated exams and assessments. These dates include submissions windows, deadlines and exam timetables.

Technical Qualifications key dates for assessments

T level Qualification key dates for assessments

Booking exams and assessments

On demand and dated examinations are booked on Walled Garden, our administration platform.  

How to book an exam via Walled Garden (PDF) 



Visit the Walled Garden support page for more information on registering learners and booking exams and assessments. 

Walled Garden support 

Conducting exams

Step-by-step guide to delivering dated entry exams 

Centres are responsible for the secure and safe administration of all assessments and examinations. This includes:

  • secure storage of physical and electronic assessment materials;
  • assessment administration and examination invigilation according to relevant guidance.

The below guide will walk you through the exam administration process for dated-entry exams, from receipt of question papers and conducting exams, to returning your scripts to City & Guilds securely in a timely manner.

A recording of our webinar on Exam Guidance for Dated Entry examinations can be viewed below. Please note that the information in this webinar is correct at the date of airing.

View the webinar presentation slides (PDF)

Returning Examinations

In the document below, you will find important information to ensure the correct return of exam scripts and stationery: 

In the event of industrial action by Royal Mail, read the guidance for centres below on the return of Technical Qualifications dated examination scripts and stationery:

Special circumstances

The form below should be used by centres or examiners to provide feedback, raise points of clarification or advise of potential assessment material errors or omissions in City & Guilds external assessments: 

 In the event a candidate is “very late” for an exam, please complete the form below:


Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) guidance for conducting examinations

The Joint Council for Qualifications (JCQ) has set out common regulations for schools and colleges that enter students for qualifications.  

The regulations specify the standard requirements for externally marked examinations and assessments. For certain qualifications some of the requirements may be different, please check the individual qualification handbooks and assessment guides for more information. 

These regulations: 

  • are re-issued each academic year; 
  • set out key administrative requirements; 
  • reference national agreements on conduct of exams and special arrangements for individuals with particular requirements. 


JCQ guidance for AI use in assessments

This best practice guidance for heads of centre, quality leads, tutors and exam teams contains information to help students and teachers manage the use of AI in assessments.


Contingency planning and exam disruption

City & Guilds Exams Guidance for emergencies

This guidance explains what to do if emergencies affect any City & Guilds assessments, including dated and on-demand exams. An emergency is defined in this instance as a serious, unexpected situation that requires immediate action.

Access arrangements

Access arrangements allow candidates/learners with special educational needs, disabilities or temporary injuries to access assessments without changing the demands of the assessment.  

Visit our Centre Document Library for JCQ and City & Guilds guidance to support with special considerations and reasonable adjustments for dated entry examinations, assessments and on-demand examinations. 

Guidance on access arrangements

Candidates results

For some qualifications, results are released to centres prior to being released to students. In these cases, the results are embargoed and centres are not permitted to provide students with results until the published results date. Results usually start to be released by centres to students from 8am on the published date. 

View key results dates for Technical qualifications, T Levels and Extended Project Qualifications below. 

Key results dates  

Appealing exam results

A centre can ask for a candidate’s exam result to be reviewed, alternatively a candidate can request this directly. City & Guilds will arrange for the candidate’s answers to be remarked. 

In the case of assessment decisions made by centres, candidates must go through the centre’s own internal appeals procedure. 

Access related documentation and forms via the Centre Document Library: 

Guidance on appeals processes