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Resource Hub

Technicals Resource and Support Hub

Access the information you need to deliver our Technical Qualifications effectively

From curriculum planning and implementation to programme delivery and results enquiries, find the resources you need to successfully deliver City & Guilds Technical qualifications.

This resource and support hub houses important guidance documents for exams officers and tutors including regulatory and onboarding information, teaching and learning resources, key dates for assessments and submissions, results guides and more.

Approval to deliver Technical Qualifications

If your centre isn’t an approved City & Guilds centre, you will need to read the information on how to become a City & Guilds centre to ensure you meet the criteria. The next step is to submit a Customer Application Form and then a Centre Approval Form.

If your centre is already an approved City & Guilds centre, you will need to submit a Qualification Approval (QAP) form to City & Guilds via Walled Garden.  

Centres who require approval to deliver additional Technical Qualifications in preparation for delivery from September 2025 must be approved to do so in advance of the 2025-2026 delivery year. 

The approval window for delivery from September 2025 is open from Monday 24 February 2025, until Friday, 05 September 2025

If you have any queries or questions regarding the approval process or your approval status for any Technical Qualification, please contact our Quality Team:

Key Stage 4 documents

Ofqual’s guide for schools and colleges provides information on the terminal rule which applies to our KS4 Technical Awards.

You can find the information on the terminal rule under the ‘How GCSEs, AS and A levels will be assessed in 2025’ section of the guidance:

Key Stage 4 Technical Awards – Information Guide 2025

Quality assurance

Quality Assurance Standards

Please refer to the centre document library to access the suite of Quality Assurance Standards documents which apply to all City & Guilds approved centres, regardless of the qualifications they deliver:

Centre document library: Quality assurance

For centres delivering City & Guilds Technical Qualifications and the Extended Project Qualification, you also need to refer to the guide below.

Quality Guide for Centres 2024/25


What is CASS?

CASS is a regulatory requirement that came into force in September 2021. It requires each awarding organisation (AO) to have a strategy in place to ensure that centre assessed standards in every qualification are scrutinised by the AO to ensure the validity and reliability of results.

An AO’s CASS strategy must comply with minimum requirements as detailed in Section H2 of Ofqual’s General Conditions of Recognition.

The City & Guilds CASS Strategy covers all the checks we make to ensure the validity and reliability of the results issued through our moderation processes. As a minimum, our checks include:

  • Sampling a range of centre marking based on risk for each series
  • Review of IQA records
  • Adjustment of marks by the awarding organisation to meet the standard
  • Feedback on assessment judgement regardless of outcome

These minimum requirements are reflected in the processes already in place at City & Guilds and are encompassed in our Quality Assurance documentation which is regularly updated to reflect any regulatory change.

If you have any queries regarding the implementation of CASS please contact technicals.quality@cityandguilds.com.

Teaching and learning resources

These documents provide essential guidance and information for the delivery, assessment and administration of the Technical Qualifications.


Delivery timeline and calendar 2024/2025

The calendar of key dates, registration windows, and exam / assessment entry windows can be found here:


Examination timetable for 2024/2025

The exam timetable for Technical Qualifications, for examinations taking place in the spring, summer, and autumn series (KS4 only) in 2025 can be accessed via the link below.


Onboarding Resources

  • First Steps: Preparation to Teach Technicals –  | Download slides
  • Technical Qualifications: Preparing learners for the Technicals Qualification theory exam – 

We also have handbooks available for each qualification, which are a valuable pre-delivery tool. Each qualification handbook can be found in the Qualifications section.

Teaching and Learning Resources

Notification forms

Referencing work and plagiarism

  •  (coursework assessments)
  •  (non-examination assessments)

Moderation portal

The Moderation Portal is the online administration platform used to facilitate the submission of marks and evidence and the moderation of the synoptic assignment, centre assessed components and employer involvement for Technical Qualifications.

The Moderation Portal Centre User Guide can be downloaded here, which explains the full process for centres, including information on how to manage Moderation Portal centre user accounts, how to enter marks / grades, and how to upload evidence.

Download the Moderation Portal Centre User Guide

FAQs when using the Moderation Portal

Supporting videos

: A step by step guide to accessing the City & Guilds Moderation Portal, the online platform for submitting marks, outcomes and evidence for Technicals.

: A step by step guide to inputting evidence and uploading marks to the City & Guilds Moderation Portal, the online platform for submitting marks, outcomes and evidence for Technicals.

: A step by step guide to uploading evidence for a cohort using the City & Guilds Moderation Portal, the online platform for submitting marks, outcomes and evidence for Technicals.

: A guide to managing your account on the City & Guilds Moderation Portal, the online platform for submitting marks, outcomes and evidence for Technicals.

Post-results service

Results Guide

How to view and download results from the Walled Garden for our Technical Qualifications.

Download the guide (PDF)


Published Grade Boundaries

The document below provides a list of the published grade boundaries for our Technical Qualification assessments. Its updated throughout the year after each key results date.

Download the Published Grade Boundaries (PDF)


Qualification Performance Report

This document gives Level 2 and Level 3 Technicals qualification overall performance for the 2023-24 academic year.

Download the report (PDF)


Grade Prediction Calculator

Our Grade Prediction Calculator has been designed to help you find out what qualification grade your learner might achieve on their Technical Qualification.

Download Calculator (XLSX)


Enquiries, missing submissions and amendments

Enquires about results (EAR)

For information about the Enquiries about Results process for Technical Qualifications please refer to the Centre Document Library under the ‘Appeals’ drop-down menu.


Missing bookings and submissions

Post results, where a centre has failed to make a booking for an assessment component via Walled Garden and has not submitted a result for the component to the Moderation Portal, centres will need to submit this as a ‘missing booking and submission’ request.

Please complete the below form in full and send to technicals.quality@cityandguilds.com. Once the bookings have been processed, they will appear in the Moderation Portal for you to submit results. 

Download missing booking and submission form 


Error correction and amendments

Error corrections and amendments can only be accepted where supporting evidence proves that the work has been completed within the 2023-2024 academic year.

If you would like to request a correction and/or amendment to a centre submission (e.g. where the wrong mark or grade has been submitted or there has been an administrative error) please complete the form.

For further help and support, please contact the Technicals Quality team at technicals.quality@cityandguilds.com.

More resources

Find out how else we can help you with the delivery of technical qualifications, including key assessment information, maths and English support, and more.

Qualification reform in England

Stay up to date with the changes to the technical education landscape as part of the Department for Education’s post-16 qualification reforms. Our dedicated webpage includes explainers and key information, guidance and support, FAQs and more.

Find out more